#自然语言处理#A curated list of awesome self-supervised methods
the resources I use to learn computer science in my spare time
#计算机科学#Code for TKDE paper "Self-supervised learning on graphs: Contrastive, generative, or predictive"
Open Content for self-directed learning in data science
OpenMMLab Self-Supervised Learning Toolbox and Benchmark
翻译 - 自我监督学习工具箱和基准
#计算机科学#A comprehensive list of awesome contrastive self-supervised learning papers.
GTP engine and self-play learning in Go
翻译 - Go中的GTP引擎和自学学习
『혼자 공부하는 컴퓨터구조 & 운영체제』 (한빛미디어)
Self Learning
A backup for cs-self-learning program (https://github.com/pkuflyingpig/cs-self-learning/).
ICML 2018 Self-Imitation Learning
Paper bank for Self-Supervised Learning
CS self-learning
#计算机科学#A python library for self-supervised learning on images.
翻译 - 用于自我监督学习的python库。
Self parking with reinforcement learning
#计算机科学#SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow
Self-Supervised Speech Pre-training and Representation Learning Toolkit
翻译 - 自我监督的语音预训练和表征学习工具包。
PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method.
Dense Contrastive Learning (DenseCL) for self-supervised representation learning, CVPR 2021 Oral.
Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
翻译 - 自我监督视觉表示学习的扩展和基准测试
UniSpeech - Large Scale Self-Supervised Learning for Speech
3D Human Pose Machines with Self-supervised Learning
翻译 - 具有自我监督学习功能的3D人体姿势机