Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Samples
翻译 - Microsoft Quantum开发套件示例
API libraries, samples, and system images for AIY Projects (Voice Kit and Vision Kit)
This repo contains driver samples prepared for use with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). It contains both Universal Windows Driver and desktop-only driver samples.
翻译 - 此存储库包含准备与Microsoft Visual Studio和Windows驱动程序工具包(WDK)一起使用的驱动程序样本。它包含通用Windows驱动程序和仅桌面驱动程序示例。
Sample Apps For Creative Kit
#人脸识别#A collection of sample apps to demonstrate how to use Google's ML Kit APIs on Android and iOS
翻译 - 一系列示例应用程序,展示了如何在Android和iOS上使用Google的ML Kit API
Account kit sample for the android platform
A tool used to create 3D content for rooms by calling OpenAI's API
Sample App For Login Kit
A sample application that shows how to use various features of Kitura
Pic16f877a Design files and sample code for Ultra Development Kit
基于Bootstrap 和原生 JavaScript 实现的Material Design设计风格的UI框架
Android FlatUI Kit
翻译 - CengaLabs-Android FlatUI套件
Script Kit. Automate Anything.
Yii2 Starter Kit
翻译 - Yii2入门套件
The sample code for the different chapters in "3D Graphics with Scene Kit" (which I call "SCNBook" as a joke)
Storage Performance Development Kit
翻译 - 存储性能开发套件
Huawei Push Kit sample code for Android client. HUAWEI Push Kit is a messaging service provided by Huawei for developers. It establishes a messaging channel from the cloud to devices.
Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit
Slack Developer Kit for Python
翻译 - Slack Python SDK
Election Data Science Kit: R Package for Sample Design & Data Analysis (Stratified / Cluster) w/Data Frames
Simple, high-performance event-driven HTTP client+server for Clojure
翻译 - http-kit是具有WebSocket和异步支持的极简,事件驱动的高性能Clojure HTTP服务器/客户端库
Slack Developer Kit for Node.js
翻译 - 用于Node.js的Slack开发人员工具包