#学习与技能提升#100+ Python 编程练习题
Exercism exercises in Python.
Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3
Bonus materials, exercises, and example projects for our Python tutorials
翻译 - Python教程的额外材料,练习和示例项目
Practice your Python programming skills with this interactive and auto-graded set of exercises.
Code to exercise your Python knowledge.
short exercises for Python
按照难度排列的经典 Python 练习题。
Jupyter notebooks for teaching/learning Python 3
翻译 - 用于教学/学习Python 3的Jupyter笔记本
opencv python exercises
Exercises on Python coding
Python exercises for students
Learn Python The Hard Way course exercises
C, C++ and Python Code for Exercises and Solutions
Master Python typing (type hints) with interactive online exercises!
Exercises related to the "Think Python" programming textbook
Numpy exercises.
Exercises and solutions to Stanford CS229 Machine Learning in Python
Python 练习题,不定时更新
A set of interactive TypeScript exercises
翻译 - 富有挑战性的TypeScript练习集
The easy way to learn Scala.
Elixir learning exercises