LightGBM 中文文档
Python binding for Microsoft LightGBM
a python code of applying GBDT+LR for CTR prediction
Java library and command-line application for converting LightGBM models to PMML
LightGBM Rust binding
An extension of LightGBM to probabilistic modelling
Multiple Imputation with LightGBM in Python
An implementation of the focal loss to be used with LightGBM for binary and multi-class classification problems
Java LightGBM binding
R Interface for LightGBM
Time Series Forecasting with LightGBM
A java implementation of LightGBM predicting part
Demand Forecasting with LightGBM
Earthquake Prediction Challenge with LightGBM and XGBoost
Bayesian Optimization and Grid Search for xgboost/lightgbm
Time-Series forecasting using Stats models, LightGBM & LSTM
Python AutoML for Trading Systems and Sports Betting
First place solution of WSDM CUP 2020, pairwise-bert, lightgbm
A model that predicts the default rate of credit card holders using the LightGBM classifier. Trained the LightGBM classifier with Scikit-learn's GridSearchCV.