Rector 用来升级和自动重构 PHP 5.3+ 代码
Rector upgrade rules for Symfony
Rector upgrades rules for Laravel
Rector upgrade rules for Doctrine
Rector upgrade rules for PHPUnit
Rector for TYPO3
Rector upgrades rules for Nette
[DEPRECATED] Use following package instead
[Battletech Mod][ModTek] Add Mechs, Components, Funds, XP, Argo-Upgrades, Ronin and Reputation to your company. Allows instant travel.
Automated Semantic Import Versioning Upgrades
Workflow for doing in-place upgrades.
Plugins for Hardhat and Foundry to deploy and manage upgradeable contracts on Ethereum.
Instant Terminal Sharing
翻译 - 即时终端共享
Instant Markdown previews from Vim
Specification for the Execution Layer. Tracking network upgrades.
翻译 - 以太坊 1.0 的规范。跟踪网络升级。
Instant voice cloning by MIT and MyShell.
Instant Messaging
#计算机科学#Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more
翻译 - 即时神经图形基元:闪电般快速的 NeRF 等
DuckDuckGo Instant Answer Infrastructure
Instant mobile web app creation
The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
翻译 - 即时按需原子 CSS 引擎。
Instant, easy, and predictable development environments