Awesome Incremental Learning
PyTorch implementation of AANets (CVPR 2021) and Mnemonics Training (CVPR 2020 Oral)
A collection of incremental learning paper implementations including PODNet (ECCV20) and Ghost (CVPR-W21).
An Incremental Learning, Continual Learning, and Life-Long Learning Repository
Learning a Unified Classifier Incrementally via Rebalancing
Pytorch implementation of ACCV18 paper "Revisiting Distillation and Incremental Classifier Learning."
Awesome Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
Class Incremental learning, Task Incremental Learning
End-to-End Incremental Learning
Elastic weight consolidation technique for incremental learning.
pytorch implementation of Large Scale Incremental Learning
Implementation of incremental learning algorithms for Matlab.
Old repo for my old learning projects (mostly incremental-games).
Initial Code for the paper "incremental learning through deep adaptation"
PyTorch implementation of a VAE-based generative classifier, as well as other class-incremental learning methods that do not store data (DGR, BI-R, EWC, SI, CWR, CWR+, AR1, the "labels trick", SLDA).
Code release for paper "Incremental Learning of Object Detectors without Catastrophic Forgetting"
A fast Kriging-assisted evolutionary algorithm based on incremental learning