hector_slam contains ROS packages related to performing SLAM in unstructed environments like those encountered in the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) scenarios of the RoboCup Rescue competition.
a high level client for cassandra
hector_quadrotor contains packages related to modeling, control and simulation of quadrotor UAV systems.
Automagically generate thumbnails, animated GIFs, and summaries from videos
Simulation Software (ROS/MATLAB) for HECTOR Humanoid Robot Locomotion Control/Bipedal Locomotion Control/Force-and-moment-based MPC
HECO-Chain client based on the go-ethereum fork
hector_gazebo provides packages related to the simulation of robots using gazebo (gazebo plugins, world files etc.).
Automation code for basin splitting, HEC-HMS, and HEC-RAS
Python interface for HEC-RAS.
Automating Hec-Hms model
Import/export HEC-RAS geometry files
Python wrapper for HEC-RAS controller. win32com based
Python automatic calibrator for HEC-RAS.
Data Mining HEC-RAS outputs with R
Scritps for interfacing between GRASS and HEC RAS
HEC-HMS based tool for real time flood forecasting
This is the Fluentd output plugin for sending events to Splunk via HEC.
翻译 - 这是Fluentd输出插件,用于通过HEC向Splunk发送事件。
A GUI-based tool to perform security testing against the HDMI CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) and HEC (HDMI Ethernet Channel) protocols