The source code and dataset are used to demonstrate the DF model, and reproduce the results of the ACM CCS2018 paper
Memory hacking library for Dwarf Fortress and a set of tools that use it
翻译 - 矮人要塞的内存黑客库和使用它的一组工具
Deep learning face detection and recognition, implemented by pytorch. (pytorch实现的人脸检测和人脸识别)
Arduino library for DFPlayer
Image loading, processing, caching and preheating
仿微信朋友圈时间轴 支持发送图文 短视频 赞 评论 图片大图浏览 视频预览
Java Client for FastDFS
Biblioteca para Geração de NFe(2.0, 3.10 e 4.0) e NFCe(3.10 e 4.0) e consumo dos serviços necessários à sua manutenção, conforme descritos em
Celeb-DF: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for DeepFake Forensics
Dwarf Fortress data structure descriptions
df ccf 混凝土泵车砼活塞故障预警
Export ".dwg",".dxf" or ".dgn" file to PDF or WebGl format
基于虚拟仿真环境下的自动驾驶交通标志识别 Datafountain 平台上的一个竞赛,最终成绩为0.986,25th。前排大佬都能做到0.996+了,膜拜学习一下
Daring Fireball popup footnotes via a Safari extension with Lukas Mathis's JavaScript.
Create HTML profiling reports from Apache Spark DataFrames
Package for reconciliation of hierarchical time series - de Forceville Adrien
电商平台 SpringBoot+SpringCloud +Maven+Redis+ActiveMQ+XXLJOB(分布式任务调度)+ thymeleaf+security+oauth2+jwt
An installation script for the Dwarf Fortress Lazy Newb Pack, for Linux.