ArcSoft Free SDK demo,support ArcFace2.1, ArcFace2.0, ArcFace1.2
Arcface2.0 的 C# Demo
Arcface2.2 的 C# Demo
Keras implementation of ArcFace, CosFace, and SphereFace
Build your own ArcFace, CenterFace/Centernet
复现 ArcFace 论文
face analysis project with tensorflow 2.0 || arcface
Age and gender recognition using arcface and MLP.
AdvHat: Real-world adversarial attack on ArcFace Face ID system
翻译 - AdvHat:对ArcFace Face ID系统的真实对抗
Angular penalty loss functions in Pytorch (ArcFace, SphereFace, Additive Margin, CosFace)
face recognition algorithms in pytorch framework, including arcface, cosface, sphereface and so on
Tensoflow implementation of InsightFace (ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition).
Arcsoft ArcFace for Go 虹软人脸检测SDK Go语言版
Paddle Large Scale Classification Tools,supports ArcFace, CosFace, PartialFC, Data Parallel + Model Parallel. Model includes ResNet, ViT, Swin, DeiT, CaiT, FaceViT, MoCo, MAE, ConvMAE, CAE.
基于虹软视觉开发平台的ArcFace人脸识别离线算法,实现的windows 平台C#的代码示例,包括引擎激活、人脸检测、性别、年龄检测、人脸跟踪、人脸批量注册、活体检测、人脸比对(图片vs图片)、人脸比对(视频vs图片)等功能。
insightface 中 pytorch , arcface , cosface , partialFC , mix precision training中文注解版本,希望能帮助大家快速理解,并玩儿自己的项目