Jigsaw七巧板 provides a set of web components based on Angular5/8/9+. The main purpose of Jigsaw is to help the application developers to construct complex & intensive interacting & user friendly web pag...
翻译 - Jigsaw七巧板提供了一组基于Angular5 +的Web组件。拼图的主要目的是帮助应用程序开发人员构建复杂且密集的交互和用户友好的网页。拼图支持中兴通讯大数据产品所有应用的开发。
ZTE MC801A, MC888, MC889 Home assistant addon
Como obtener acceso admin, telnet y credenciales voip en el ZTE H298A de digi (fimware T12)
BTS-CE-Lite (Boda-Lite) is a cross platform vendor and technology agnostic telecommunication network management desktop application
Speedport Plus / Entry 2i status to Home assistant
ZTE MC801A, MC888, MC889 Home assistant Custom integration
Console utility for working with device partitions based on the Qualcomm processor for Linux
Application for flash and dump partitions, disable Google FRP and remote by ADB for ZTE Blade V9 Vita, ZTE Blade A7 Vita and other smartphones on Qualcomm chipset (like as emmcdl tool)
XML to csv parser for 3GPP Bulk CM data files as defined by ETSI TS 132 615
#安全#Proof of concept of the SQL injection vulnerability affecting the ZTE MF286R router.
Proof of concept for the command injection vulnerability affecting the ZTE MF286R router, including an RCE exploit.