Black - 毫不妥协的 Python 代码格式化工具
Run ruff, isort, pyupgrade, mypy, pylint, flake8, and more on Jupyter Notebooks
A JupyterLab plugin to facilitate invocation of code formatters.
The slightly less uncompromising Python code formatter.
A simple extension for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab to beautify Python code automatically using black.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome Python code formatters
The Black code formatter, but brighter (PEP8–inspired).
🟤 A best practice Python code formatter
A JupyterLab extension to apply Black formatter to code within codecell.
Vscode formatter extension support for python files using `yapf`.
Python Formatters for Atom Editor
Конфигурация docker-compose системы для автоматизированного тестирования веб-приложений – демонстрационного и тестового экземпляра ИС ИОТ. Система состоит из двух контейнеров: в одном запускается демо...
A Python project template for building PIP packages
Cookiecutter template for easy python packaging.