Command Based Code for 2022 RAPID REACT SEASON
Excalibur 6738 robot code for the 2024 Crescendo FRC season
A set of gradle configurations for the WPILib FRC Vision Pi-Gen Image
A network tables port for the FTC robotics competition using WPI's ntcore
A base robot with the most up to date utilities and starting components to get started on robot code as fast as possible
Common FRC Java library for FRC 6854
FIRST Robotics Team Entropy 138's code for the 2022 season
Team 6647's code for the 2023 season CHARGED UP
An attempt at creating a battery discharge test for FRC that runs in Autonomous mode.
Code for the Skeletorr drivebase!
2022 command-based robot code
Our team's standard library extension for WPILibJ, the "Common Library Addition to WPILib."
Team #1228s Robot Code for FRC PowerUp[2018] used to provide autonomous and teleoperated controls to the driver using gyroscopic feedback and sequentially timed mechanical operations.