A proof-of-concept for Eel, the cross platform Python - JavaScript GUI designer
翻译 - Penty是一个快速的桌面助手,它以JS和Python为后端,以HTML和CSS为前端进行编程。花了一个多月的时间来创建v1.0。它具有一些功能,例如内置的gMail发送器和快速打开的浏览器。
#自然语言处理#Direct command line interface to Wolfram|Alpha. Uses Wolfram|Alpha natural language APIs to answer queries in many areas, including STEM / STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts, math, culture,...
A virtual assitant made in python ...
A Node.js package that uses Puppeteer to grab unlimited step-by-step solutions from Wolfram | Alpha® queries directly in your terminal (with HTML support) without needing an API key.
A Virtual Assistant in Python using Wikipedia API and Wolframalpha API.
Whatsapp bot to search Wolframalpha and Google.
Introducing our AI library - an all-in-one solution for anyone looking to work with artificial intelligence and learn about them. Our Python app offers a range of AI engines, including OpenAI and also...
A python application build using wolframalphapi which can answer almost every question you ask.
This is basically a virtual assistant built using python ,wikipedia ,wolframalpha and speech recognition .
A WolframAlpha API Wrapper made in Python.
Java client for wolframalpha API
A simple library to interact with the WolframAlpha API
Alexa skill to ask question to wolfram alpha.
#大语言模型#Main task: The Agent utilizes the Wolfram Alpha API to obtain answers, then generates explanations based on the questions and answers, storing both the explanations in ChromaDB and saving associated i...