为Vue应用添加页面间的转场特效( Page level transition plugin for vue-router)
一个小巧玲珑的 vue 组件切换动画库, 支持 20 几种动画切换方式
Demo for "Creating Vue.js Transitions & Animation"
A lightweight CSS library for adding transitions to Vue 2 components ✨ 💚
翻译 - 一个轻量级的CSS库,用于向Vue组件添加过渡:sparkles::green_heart:
To do list made with vue.js
Vite | Vue 3 | Firebase 9 | Tailwind CSS 3 | Headless UI | Font Awesome
Functional animation components using Animate.css
Users list made with vue.js
Git commands dictionary.
Vue plugin to trigger transitions or callbacks on scroll
Easy to use transitions for your vue projects
Landing page with slider, validated form, sortable and filterable cards with poster, title and description of the film. Data for cards taken from api api.themoviedb.organd image.tmdb
Pequeno desafio proposto no final do módulo "gerenciamento de estados com Vuex" do bootcamp fullstack da Cataline. // Small challenge proposed at the end of the module "State management with Vuex" in ...
My portfolio website that demonstrates my skills and me
UI for the Quote REST API I made using Express and Mongo. Fetches and displays random philosophy quote. Uses vue-transitions