Workshop Materials for my Introduction to Vue.js Workshop
翻译 - 我的Vue.js工作坊简介的工作坊资料
Code for YouTube series on building a Todo App in Vue.js
一个小巧玲珑的 vue 组件切换动画库, 支持 20 几种动画切换方式
A lightweight CSS library for adding transitions to Vue 2 components ✨ 💚
翻译 - 一个轻量级的CSS库,用于向Vue组件添加过渡:sparkles::green_heart:
Demo for "Creating Vue.js Transitions & Animation: Live Examples"
Vue3 app template with awesome Text, Parallax & Smooth-scroll animations.
hotel app form wizard with debit card payment developed with vue js
VueJS 3 starbucks landing page with animations
This project is my portfolio made with Vue.Js
#前端开发#A simple vue package with an animation component to fade elements in
Todo-приложение, фильтрация при вводе, по статусу. Карточки drag&drop. UI приложения был не важен, просто экспериментальный.
This repository contains the Teacher Finder app called, which is a web application created using Vue 3, Vue Router, User Authentication & Vuex, and Firebase for the backend.
Моя выпускная работа в LoftSchool (landing page с админпанелью SPA с использованием подхода CRUD). Сайт сделан с использованием: JavaScript и VueJS, webpack, npm и yarn, git, препроцессор PUG для HTML...
Spa на Vue3, упор на с анимации и mobile first. Figma, store Pinia, pixelperfect, custom WindiCss, custom rules eslint/prettier.
Практика верстки на vue, разбивка на компоненты... Vue3-setup, tailwind, animations-css, responsive, adaptive.
Mini project to showcase Vue 3 Animations!
It's a vue practice repo for animation (inc. router animation).
It's an interactive web app built using components concepts and advanced concepts like Http Requests, Routing, Animations & Transitions, Vuex, Authentication in VueJS.