🎉Vue全家桶+Vant 搭建大型单页面电商项目.http://ddbuy.7-orange.cn
🍑 2020全栈学习Demo大合集 包含最新 hooks TS 等 还有umi+dva,数据可视化等实战项目 (持续更新中)
Quick boilerplate for your next project, containing - Vite, Vuex, Vue Router & Tailwind CSS. This was created as part of my tutorial series.
This template allows you to quickly scaffold a Vue project with Vue Router, VueX, TailwindCss with JIT Compiler and vite as a bundler.
Sistema de controle de vendas para lojas, com cadastro de categorias, cadastro de produtos e relatório de vendas.
Laravel + Vue.js Demo Application
Visão Libertária é um jornal colaborativo, este projeto é uma versão não oficial desenvolvida em NuxtJS.
uzum.uz clone why ? it's just practice 🤔 📊 </>
This is an invoice app that you can create, read, update and delete invoices, save draft invoices and mark pending invoices as paid, filter invoices by status (draft/pending/paid).
Vue.js 3 TypeScript Boilerplate with Pinia, Vue Router and Tailwind CSS