The Git-Flow Maven Plugin supports various Git workflows, including GitFlow and GitHub Flow. This plugin runs Git and Maven commands from the command line.
#IOS#Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development.
Example workflows for automated releases in a GitFlow-style project using GitHub actions.
An extension and plugin that teaches Maven to work well with gitflow projects and CI servers.
DevOps Service is the core service of Choerodon. It integrated several open source tools to automate the DevOps process of planning, coding, building, testing, and deployment, operation, monitoring.
🔀 semantic-release plugin to back-merge a release into a develop branch
Microservices in Post-Kubernetes Era. A polyglot monorepo
Sample Maven project with a Jenkinsfile doing git-flow based release management
A Demo to show workflow of Drone CI + GitFlow + Semantic Release + Kubernetes
Git Flow extension for Visual Studio Code
Набор скриптов для разбора xml-файла Правил обмена 1С на мелкие фрагменты
MIRO - Merge it robot!
翻译 - MIRO-合并机器人!
Automatically creates and merges pull requests from master to dev and from release to master.