Synchronized Translation for Videos. Video dubbing
#大语言模型#Advance Learning Management System Platfrom Powered by AI(ProtoType )
#计算机科学#This project presents a comprehensive study on video dubbing techniques and the development of a specialized video dubbing system.
AI Video dubbing / dubber / Video dubbing / AI dubbing AI 視訊配音
Hardsub -> Softsub + TTS = 🍿(An utility tool for converting hardsub to softsub, and synchronized tts audio dubbing from the softsub)
#计算机科学#AI video dubbing using Google APIs automates translation and dubbing by transcribing audio with Speech-to-Text, translating it with the Translation API, and generating speech with Text-to-Speech. Clou...
Versão aprimorada do SoniTranslate com cópia automática para o Google Drive e melhorias de desempenho