An open-source, community oversight dataset of all U.S. Prosecutors. Happy Hacktoberfest 🎃
API powering the source code harvester
Vulnerability disclosure policies in the US Government's executive branch
Self-updating Node app collecting Congress' daily Twitter output and compiling into publicly accessible form.
Standalone code.json harvester and Lunr index creator - DEPRECATED
Command-line tool that extracts structured data about all of the US Supreme Court Cases since 2000
A Twitter bot recording new PDFs on .gov sites.
Angular app providing means to sift through data pertaining to federal and state .gov (and domains.
Machine-readable .txt blocklist of websites belonging to entities listed under the United States Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List), updated once a day.
Data visualization using D3: US Governmental spending
Using Federal Register data to identify regulatory suspensions and analyze how presidential administrations use them.
Machine-readable .txt allowlist of websites belonging to banking institutions insured by the United States FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), updated once a day.