A stack-based array programming language
Uiua grammar for tree-sitter. Finally, Uiua programmers get AST-based editing features.
Advent of Code solutions in Rust, Uiua, Python, APL, Haskell, Nix, Nu and Ruby
Vim plugin for the stack-based, array-oriented programming language [Uiua](https://uiua.org)
Advent of Code solutions in LTR Uiua: https://github.com/gifti258/uiua/tree/ltr
🌳️🌐️#️⃣️ The Bliss Browser Uiua language support module, allowing Uiua programs to be written in and ran within the browser.
📚️ A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Uiua programming language, and continuing to learn the language.
#编辑器#⌨️ The Uiua programming language IDE submodule for SNU Programming Tools (2D Mode)
Facilities for working with color in the Uiua programming language.
Setup Uiua - an array-oriented tacit programming language interpreter.
🧠️🖥️2️⃣️0️⃣️0️⃣️1️⃣️💾️📜️ The sourceCode:Uiua category for AI2001, containing Uiua programming language datasets
My solutions for Advent of Code 2023 (https://adventofcode.com/2023)