Your go-to microservice framework for any situation, from the creator of Netty et al. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Ret...
翻译 - 基于Java 8,Netty,HTTP / 2,Thrift和gRPC构建的异步RPC / REST库
Linkis 在上层应用和底层引擎之间构建了一层计算中间件。通过使用Linkis 提供的REST/WebSocket/JDBC 等标准接口,上层应用可以方便地连接访问Spark, Presto, Flink 等底层引擎,同时实现跨引擎上下文共享、统一的计算任务和引擎治理与编排能力
Camouflage is a backend mocking tool for HTTP, gRPC, Websockets and Thrift protocols, which helps you carry out your front end prototyping, unit testing, functional/performance testing in silos, in ab...
为DataX( 提供远程多语言调用(ThriftServer,HttpServer) 分布式运行(DataX on YARN) 功能
Hive-JDBC-Proxy是一个高性能的HiveServer2和Spark ThriftServer的代理服务,具备负载均衡、基于规则转发Hive JDBC Client的请求给到HiveServer2和Spark ThriftServer的能力。
Cloud-based SQL engine using SPARK where data is accessible as JDBC/ODBC data source via Spark ThriftServer.
Maintenance fork of Apache Aurora's Scheduler
Gatling third party plugin for thrift protocol.
Sample cloud-first application forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo with added support for REST and Thrift APIs.
Gatling Extension for JDBC or Spark Thrift Server stress tests
My solution to RPC - Middleware homework task
Laboratorio 2 de la cátedra Sistemas Distribuidos 2020
An Online Payment Service in built using Django.
Linkis ThriftServer 服务,对外提供 ThriftServer 协议规范,用户可使用 Hive JDBC Driver 和 Hive ODBC Driver 访问 Linkis。