#安卓#Smooth version of Google Support Design AppBarLayout
翻译 - Google Support Design AppBarLayout的平滑版本
#安卓#A modified CollapsingToolbarLayout that can deal with multiline titles
#安卓#Android androidx.preference support library has some issues, this lib tries to fix them.
FingerprintDialog from Android 28 (P) back ported to Android 23 (M).
#安卓#A simple spring animation (support library v25.3.0+) example android app
#安卓#[ARCHIVED] Builder pattern for support library Snackbars, that makes them easier to customise and use
Collection of agnostic PHP Functions and helpers with zero dependencies to use as foundation in packages and other project
#安卓#A simple Android project that demonstrates the usage of the androidx.recyclerview.selection support library
Pynac -- symbolic computation with Python objects, Sage Math support library --- Website:
#安卓#Android TextInputLayout with rx-validation feature
#安卓#Como aplicar as técnicas de rolagem do Material Design usando a biblioteca de suporte Android Design Support Library
Tiny library to migrate EclipseStore datastores. Applies migration scripts on the datastores to keep them up to date.
#安卓#DEPRECATED project - Check the Apache fineract-cn-mobile project instead
#安卓#Useful Kotlin Extensions for the Android SDK and popular Android Libraries
#安卓#Exemplo implementado Material Design com a Design Library
The General Helpful Open Utility Library is a feature-rich support library written in C++
Sample App to integrate SalesIQ Android SDK (Mobilisten)
Supporting utilities to develop web application automation with Selenium.