A frictionless, pipeable approach to dealing with summary statistics
翻译 - 一种处理摘要统计信息的无摩擦,易用的方法
Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
skimpy is a light weight tool that provides summary statistics about variables in data frames within the console.
#数据仓库#R Package 📦 Containing the Datasaurus Dozen datasets 📊
Econometrics cheat sheets with a concise review of the subject, going from the basics of an econometric model to the solution of the most popular problems.
Morph an input dataset of 2D points into select shapes, while preserving the summary statistics to a given number of decimal points through simulated annealing. It is intended to be used as a teaching...
Rapid standardisation and quality control of GWAS or QTL summary statistics
An R package to analyze, summarize, and visualize daily streamflow data 💧
Estimate local SNP heritability and genetic covariance from GWAS summary association statistics.
GWAS summary statistics files QC tool
Specification for the GWAS-VCF format (manuscript in preparation)
Generate beautiful summary tables from pandas dataframes
metaUSAT is a data-adaptive statistical approach for testing genetic associations of multiple traits from single/multiple studies using univariate GWAS summary statistics.
#时序数据库#Sparklyr extension making Flint time series library functionalities (https://github.com/twosigma/flint) easily accessible through R
Python library for reading GWAS summary statistics in GWAS-VCF files