A frictionless, pipeable approach to dealing with summary statistics
翻译 - 一种处理摘要统计信息的无摩擦,易用的方法
Check if a package name is available to use
A Package for Helping You Choose Which Package to Use
RStudio Addin, function, & shiny app for the write-good linter 📝
R package for controlling Minecraft via API
Test chunks for R Markdown.
Website for 2017 rOpenSci Unconf
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ checkers
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Signing and Verification of R Packages
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Websocket client for R
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Share R Code on Twitter
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Automate sending email with 'Gmail'
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ A package to create cheatsheets
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Materials relating to security best practices for R people
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Arrested Development
A bookdown book on R and Minecraft
⛔ ARCHIVED ⛔ Headless 'Chrome' Orchestration