一个轻巧的后台管理框架,项目后端基于Java21、SpringBoot3.2,前端基于TypeScript、Vite3、Vue3、Element Plus,只提供登录会话、用户管理、角色管理、权限资源管理、事件日志、对象存储等基础功能的最佳实践方案,不做过多的封装,适合二次定制开发、接私活、源码学习等场景
本项目基于 RuoYi-Vue-Plus 进行二次开发扩展Flowable工作流功能,支持在线表单设计和丰富的工作流程设计能力。如果觉得这个项目不错,麻烦点个star🌟。
습관, 목표 관리 웹 애플리케이션 백엔드(Spring)
This is online shopping application used for the shopping purpose. Admin and user can register and perform operations accordingly.
All about Spring framework, Spring Boot, Spring Core with code examples well documented with comments as best as possible.
Resume Design Competition of University Computer Competition
Micro services built using Netflix Eureka server, it contains services and client projects
Repo creado con la finalidad de que todos puedan tener acceso ilimitado a este material que fue preparado por mi persona para ALumnos de Codo a Codo 4.0 comision 2011 y todo el que le interese este ap...
Custum http session store with Springboot & JPA
Pet clinic project made by group 2
Full Stack App with React, Spring Boot, MongoDB
This is a full stack development project related to simple student information system includes CRUD operation. This backend part completed using spring boot and MySQL.
Same microservices application implemented in Spring boot and Angular.
SpringBoot backend application. Implemented CRUD operation with Rest APIs. Basic implementation of EMS (Employment Management System) with Swagger and Spring Boot Security.
springboot project archetype 优秀的项目模板