The SIMON and SPECK families of lightweight block ciphers. #nsacyber
Fast implementations of the SIMON and SPECK lightweight block ciphers for the SUPERCOP benchmark toolkit. #nsacyber
example C language implementation of SIMON and SPECK lightweight block ciphers.
#安全#Small block size Speck encryption in PostgreSQL
A white-box Speck implementation using self-equivalence encodings
Implementation of a Generalized-Feistel Cipher for generating random permutations.
C# wrapper implementation of simon-speck-c that is SIMON and SPECK lightweight block ciphers.
Simple file encryption code via Speck Cipher with different cipher modes
A low-complexity, sequential video compression scheme using differential directional filter bank decomposition and CIE L*a*b* Color Space
Finding Complete Impossible Differential Attacks on AndRX Ciphers and Efficient Distinguishers for ARX Designs
#安全#An algorithm for authenticated encryption with associated data using Speck and HMAC-SHA256.
#安全#An implementation of an NSA's block cipher "Speck" optimized for embedded systems
#安全#A no_std implementation of NSA's lightweight blockcipher SPECK
Speck cipher implemented in VHDL and Python
CoAP-MQTT-Encryption is a secure communication protocol that combines the lightweight CoAP and MQTT protocols with encryption to ensure data confidentiality and integrity in IoT environments. This int...
Test application and presentation for progressive web apps (PWA)
Implementación de un chat cliente servidor en Java utilizando como intermediario una encriptación Speck