A plugin that allows branch analysis and pull request decoration in the Community version of Sonarqube
翻译 - SonarQube的插件,允许在社区版本中进行分支分析
performs SonarQube analyses and checks quality gates https://concourse-ci.org/ https://sonarqube.org/
It provides the ability to feed SonarQube with code coverage data coming from Atlassian Clover
sample application used as a source for scanning code quality with sonarqube also containing sovarqube plugin with rules definitions
SonarQube with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose
Command line tool for exporting SonarQube's analysis into an excel
RSpec 3 formatter that generates an XML file for SonarQube 6.2+, using the Generic Test Data format
A Spring Boot application to export SonarQube's issue API
Complete DevOps CI/CD project with Documented Walkthrough
My Advent of Code 2022 project. Done in Kotlin to learn by coding... ;)
Execute SonarLint analysis of Java, JS, HTML, XML sources locally with Standalone or SonarQube profiles
Case study solution (Sprint 1) done as a part of training (Java EE with DevOps and Cloud)
GitHub Action for SonarQube analysis of .NET projects
Simple Demo for getting a Maven build and sonarqube quality gate with GitHub actions.