A plugin that allows branch analysis and pull request decoration in the Community version of Sonarqube
翻译 - SonarQube的插件,允许在社区版本中进行分支分析
performs SonarQube analyses and checks quality gates https://concourse-ci.org/ https://sonarqube.org/
🐳 Sonar Scanner MsBuild Dockerfile for dotNet Projects
This docker compose script creates a environment for CI and QA.
SonarQube plugin for ReSharper command line tools.
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild to .NET Core projects in Docker
SonarQube with Let's Encrypt Using Docker Compose
Vagrant Environment for a SonarQube based Source Code Analysis service
A Spring Boot application to export SonarQube's issue API
This SonarQube plugin notifies WebEx Teams of Scan Results.
This is a tutorial for intergrating sonaqube and gitlab
Windows docker images for SonarScanner MSBuild with aspnet framework for testing.
Wrap SonarQube Scanner as a node module.
A vanilla front-end starter kit with tools to support code quality, accessibility, unit testing, end to end testing, continuous integration setup and feature branch testing.
This project configures an automated pipeline script using Jenkins which fetches the source code, builds it, scans the code using Sonarqube, uploads the artifact to Amazon ECR repository and finally d...
Domain Driven Design with EntityFramework, Web API, Autofac