Czkawka 是一款实用软件,用于清理和查找电脑上重复的文件、空目录、相似图片、大文件
Image similarity in Golang. Version 4 (LATEST)
Detwinner - duplicate file finder for the Linux desktop
Fast image similarity search with hash tables (Golang). Version 2 (LATEST)
Finding similar images from image URLs using ImageHash
Fast image similarity search with hash tables (Golang). Version 1
🐝BeeTrace — это веб-приложение, которое использует методы компьютерного зрения для обнаружения и сопоставления объектов на парах изображений с помощью алгоритма ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF).
A desktop app that will help you find and deal with file duplicates on you drive
A Python package to detect and extract the changed parts & coordinates of those parts from the images if any.
image quantization program with 3 different quantization algorithms (Kmeans,median cut,uniform quantization) and another program works as similar images search engine
#计算机科学#Machine Learning: Sistema de Recomendação por Imagens Digitais.