A curated list of awesome baseband research resources
A python library for the computation of various concentration, inequality and diversity indices
A collection of notebooks for Natural Language Processing
#时序数据库#An open-source toolkit for entropic data analysis
A repository to collect papers and programs of historical interest to AI. Mostly gathered while reading Pamela McCurdock's Machines Who Think
Uses DataVisualization.Charting and progress bars for a visually pleasing way to view how the entropy changes across a file.
This application calculates the entropy of a string. The focus of this implementation is represented by a specialized function called "entropy" which receives a text sequence as a parameter and return...
#算法刷题#Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty in a random variable. This application calculates the entropy of text. The current example calculates the entropy of sequence "TTTAAGCC". In the context of info...
Gamma distribution differential entropy.
Lévy distribution entropy.
Student's t distribution entropy.
Inverse gamma distribution differential entropy.
Normal distribution differential entropy.
Logistic distribution entropy.
Function integrator for iOS with the variable accuracy
🔑Repositório para Disciplina EEL7416 - Introdução à Codificação
Degenerate distribution entropy.
Beta distribution differential entropy.
Binomial distribution entropy.
a computer player for the game hangman based on the idea of Shannon's entropy and information theory