shadcn/ui, but for Svelte. ✨
Open source ngrok alternative designed for teams. Tunnel http, tcp or websocket connections.
#编辑器#Highly extensible text editor for svelte made with TipTap and ShadCN UI
#大语言模型#just like spatz... but for svelte5, with shadcn-svelte, svelte-animations, svelte-superforms, stripe payments, subscriptions, content-filtering, and more.
A clean desktop application template that combines Tauri 2 with Svelte 5 + Shadcn-svelte, including automated CI/CD pipelines for Windows, Linux, and Mac builds.
A minimal starter template using Svelte 5, Supabase, shadcn-svelte, GitHub auth, iconify, and Zod.
Shadcn Svelte VSCode extension to help you install and use components directly without leaving your IDE ✨.
Workout tracker inspired by the RP Hypertrophy App
Clean Architecture Sveltekit Appwrite template include admin area, auth, protected routes, it use ShadCN-Svelte as base component library, include authorization, designed to be easy to maintain and ve...
A VSCode Extension that enables you to preview documentation sites within your IDE ✨.
A collection of additional components designed specifically for Shadcn-Svelte.
A modern open-source music distribution management system.
Gone 远走高飞,前后端单文件一次性部署。
Convoy terminal is a proxy for Proxmox's terminal sessions. Paired with Convoy, Coterm hides the node origin IP.
The Creative Vault for your resources — Stashlist is an all in one bookmark manager for everyone
(MOVED) See README. A Svelte port of shadcn-phone-input.
A rich, modern, and elegant landing page for a medical injector. Using Sveltekit, svelte-superforms, google-forms payload, fastapi, tiktok, shadcn-svelte, gsap, svelte-maplibre, and zod.
🛸 A SvelteKit implementation of Hoppscotch.