Opinionated, self-contained Terraform root modules that each solve one, specific problem
Smith is a Kubernetes workflow engine / resource manager
GLPI Plugin Formcreator (DOWNLOAD : https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/formcreator/releases)
[WIP] Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process.
Ansible scripts to setup an 'oc cluster up' environment for testing the Service Catalog and Ansible Service Broker on EC2 or Local
An Enterprise-ready Cloud Services Management Software.
A MariaDB Helm Chart Service Broker for the Kubernetes Service Catalog
Example apps and code snippets for Atlassian Compass
Catalogist is the easy way to catalog and make your software and (micro)services visible to your organization in a lightweight and developer-friendly way.
A github action that synchronises a Github repo data, including Backstage definition file information, with a Notion database
CRD implementation of podpresets, scaffolded from kubebuilder
SAM project that deploys sample aws cost control approval workflow
A step by step introduction to the service-catalog in kubernetes
Spinnaker service broker using OSBAPI
Belgium's multimodal transport service catalogue
A Redis Helm Chart Service Broker for the Kubernetes Service Catalog