Business Apps Made Simple with Asp.Net Core MVC / TypeScript
翻译 - 使用Asp.Net Core MVC / TypeScript简化业务应用程序
#区块链#🌟 TypeScript Implementation of Ethereum Consensus
Discord bot command framework for serenity, with advanced features like edit tracking and flexible argument parsing
Nim implementation of the Ethereum Beacon Chain
🎧 a self-hosted Spotify → Discord music bot
Serenity Application Template
Name of the repo says that this is an EXTRA of platform
Proof of Concept of Ethereum Serenity Peer-to-Peer Layer on libp2p PubSub System
🤖 Discord bot assisting the ReVanced Discord server
#区块链#Java implementation of Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain
Discord Bot for the Serenity Operating System Community 🐞
A kitchen-sink style bot for Discord written in Rust with the Serenity library.
Serenity TAF integration with Report Portal
The RCOS website and Discord bot.
Created By Xx jAmes t xX And Released To the Public By Serenity For Xbox 360 Modding Archive Purposes
A Discord bot for the Community Rust Language server, written in Rust.
A reproduce Version Of The Original XDevkit extension