Human Essentials is an inventory management system for diaper, incontinence, and period-supply banks. It supports them in distributing to partners, tracking inventory, and reporting stats and analytic...
翻译 - Diaperbase是尿布银行的库存系统,可帮助其跟踪库存并提供有关库存流量的统计信息。
#安卓#SORMAS (Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an early warning and management system to fight the spread of infectious diseases.
翻译 - SORMAS(监视,暴发反应管理和分析系统)是一种预防和控制传染病蔓延的预警和管理系统。
Georegistry + Data Collection + Microplanning
R package to estimate disease severity and under-reporting in real-time, accounting for reporting delays in epidemic time-series
R package for statistical and spatiotemporal modeling of epidemiological data for vector-borne diseases in Colombia
R package to calculate the final size of an SIR epidemic in populations with heterogeneity in social contacts and disease susceptibility
R package for handling linelist data
[UNDER DEVELOPMENT] R package implementing the DAEDALUS model for projecting and optimising health, social, and economic costs of a pandemic.
[UNDER DEVELOPMENT] Run and compare DAEDALUS scenarios of pandemic health, education, and economic costs.
Visualises access to Assisted Reproductive Technology clinics in Australia, as well as fertility data globally