🚀 It's a very fast and efficient glob library for Node.js
翻译 - :rocket:这是一个用于Node.js的非常快速高效的glob库
Better directory iterator and faster os.walk(), now in the Python 3.5 stdlib
Flexible recursive directory iterator: `scandir` meets `glob("**", recursive=True)`
Multiprocess directory iteration via os.scandir() with progress indicator via tqdm bars.
efipy - 'easy file iterator python', is a python based easy file iterator, with recursive option, and file filtering. useful when you need to apply some function to a set of files.
jobfoldersizes is a python command line tool that utilizes the scandir python module to calculate the folder sizes of a desired root directory.
Directory and file scanner, a PHP implement of filesite.io.
Stalker _ Find files with similar contents
Retrieve a list of files based on a specified folder path
Pywinperms is a python 2.7.x command line program that can hierarchically and dynamically apply Windows DACL and Ownership.
Diferente da função padrão que o PHP nos disponibiliza que nós um escaneamento incompleto, a função detailed_scandir() vai te dar um escaneamento completo de tudo e de todos os arquivos das pastas det...
This little plugin looks in a certain folder for a file that was last modified and returns the value in Twig.