🚀 It's a very fast and efficient glob library for Node.js
翻译 - :rocket:这是一个用于Node.js的非常快速高效的glob库
Recursive version of fs.readdir with small RAM & CPU footprint.
fs.readdir() with filter, recursion, absolute paths, promises, streams, and more!
A toolkit of utilities used across all the AdonisJS, Edge, and Japa packages
Recursively read a directory, blazing fast. Use with picomatch or micromatch to match globs.
List React component files inside a directory
⚡ A blazing fast recursive directory crawler with lazy sync and async iterator support.
Use multiple CPU cores via clusters for the fastest way to read nested directories and their stats
Read directory content with file attributes: size, date, owner, mode
📁 Recursively read directories in Deno
Like `fs.promises.readdir()`, but sorts the result based on `String#localeCompare()`
GitHub Action that mounts a tmpfs volume on /var/lib/docker/.
Run `fs.lstat()` for all contents in a given directory
Node.js module to list all files in a directory or any subdirectories.