Cluster extensions for Sarama, the Go client library for Apache Kafka 0.9 [DEPRECATED]
翻译 - Sarama的集群扩展,Apache Kafka 0.9的Go客户端库[已弃用]
Apache Kafka load testing "...basically a cloth bag filled with small jagged pieces of scrap iron"
为了促进产品的平台化建设, 把kafka消息队列从服务中抽象出来。让消息队列只关注消息的订阅和发布,使用微服务,减少与业务逻辑的耦合, 该服务支持多实例部署
go-kafka facilitates Kafka listener implementation with multiple choice of retry pattern and producer above sarama
make your kafka integration easy with kafka-go (supports Kafka v0.8 - v2.3)
Streaming is a client library, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters.
🐶 Go实现生产级的日志收集器
A simple and straight forward implementation of Shopify/sarama's AccessTokenProvider interface to be used for the SASL/OAUTHBEARER auth mechanism for Apache Kafka
pubsub controller using kafka and base on sarama. Easy controll flow for actions streamming, event driven.
Benchmark of Kafka libraries for Go
Simple template for event-driven systems using Go and Kafka.