Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API's
翻译 - 向基于Rails的API无缝添加Swagger
Al-Mentoria is a place for new programmers to reserve a meeting with some more experienced programmer as their mentor based on a chosen topic. We built the backend using Rails and the front using Reac...
The project is based on an app to book an appointment with a health specialist(Doctor). The doctor appointment booking app permits healthcare providers to manage their appointments with increased effi...
Jumia is an African e-commerce platform with different data models. I liked the professionalism of their site and wanted to clone the backend to implement my Rails skills. It also allows only an admin...
Rails 7 REST (openapi) template repo with Dockerfile, docker-compose and docker-swarm stack
MARRIOT HOTEL RESERVATIONS APP is an app that allows users to book a room in a marriot hotel. Users can see a list of available rooms, and can book a room for a specific date range. Users can also see...
Blog app is a dynamic and interactive website that showcases a variety of posts. Users can engage with the content by adding comments and liking posts, fostering a vibrant community.
OpenAPI documentation coverage check for Rails Routes.
Renting service product where users can create products and appointments for others to rent these products, in this case boats.
this is a simple exchange web app that allow users to exchange their moeny according to the currency they have choosed. it update the curency database by getting rule from an api. for that i'm using b...
The project is based on an app to book an appointment with a health specialist(Doctor). The doctor appointment booking app permits healthcare providers to manage their appointments with increased effi...
ClassUp is an online learning platform created as a capstone project at Microverse. It offers users the ability to book online classes and organize study sessions with other learners in their vicinity...
this is a simple backedn project for class managment where teachers can CRUD a student and assign the test to them as well. studnt will be able to login thourht their credentials generated by the teac...
Export/Import your rswag schema.json during deploy with CI