A vite plugin server and build your.user.js for userscript engine like Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey, ScriptCat
Next-gen Clipboard Manager for Gnome Shell
Boilerplate for creating React component libraries, bundled with Rollup.js to ESM and/or CJS Modules, Storybook, Typescript
Syncs gnome shell keybindings, tweaks settings and extensions with their configuration across all gnome installations
This is a template for building vue components library.Project makes use of vue3.0 with rollup configuration to build treeshakable imports and Postcss for compilation of css
💥 Full-fledged CLI tool to generate and package node modules compliant with Browser and NodeJS. Packer CLI support all modern style, unit test and script transpiler tools
翻译 - :boom:成熟的CLI工具,用于生成和打包与Browser和NodeJS兼容的节点模块。 Packer CLI支持所有现代样式,单元测试和脚本编译器工具
CLI to generate barrel file for webpack, rollup entrypoint
Next-generation ES module bundler ported for Deno
#编辑器#Portable mobile friendly GIS toolbar/editor developed for OpenLayers 10.0.0
Imagemin meets Rollup!
一个基于react typescript的组件库
📦 React workspaces implementation
Repository for Effective Web Online Course / airhacks.io
OWL JavaScript Project Starter with Rollup