Make optimisation of images part of your automated build process
翻译 - 使图像优化成为自动化构建过程的一部分
Beautiful image placeholders, without the hassle.
Optimize images using multiple utilities
翻译 - 使用多个实用程序优化图像
A command-line interface (CLI) utility written in pure Python to help you reduce the file size of images.
Nuxt module to minify your images. Works with: png, jpeg, gif, and svg
Magento Extension Directory 1> Themes Switcher 2> Default Shipping On Cart 3> Upshare 4> Product Image Optimizer 5> Idealo Product Export 6> magento Google shopping Api v2 7>Google feed and facebook...
🎑 Make images amazing, recursively and automagically.
Warp iMagick - WebP Converter JPEG/PNG Compressor - Free Plugin 4 WordPress: Optimize Images on-site. No cloud-optimization-service. Convert to WebP - On-Upload, On-Regenerate, On Demand (v2.+). Set J...
A Benchmarking Suite for popular Image Optimisation Tools
A desktop app written in Python, that exposes and unlocks the full power of Optimize Images in a nice graphical user interface, to help you reduce the file size of images.
Imagemin meets Rollup!
Automatically scale down, auto-rotate & compress uploaded images in Silverstripe
Utility package to use with Multer as storage engine to optimise images on the fly It uses Sharp to optimise images to jpg, png, webp as well as resize them.
WIP deflate toolkit for Java
Prepared extensions for zImageOptimizer script.
Laravel Enso image transformer and optimization dependency, so you have one less thing to worry about when working with image files
A Laravel package for the popular image optimization web service
A manipulation and optimization library for Scalable Vector Graphics
Shopify debut theme optimised with Pixboost for