SOTA Re-identification Methods and Toolbox
翻译 - SOTA ReID方法和工具箱
悦刻外卖源于瑞吉外卖黑马项目开发,由Spring Boot + Mybatis Plus构建的一个基于网页的网上外卖订餐系统,相比于原课程,悦刻外卖添加了完善的注释、部分代码优化和改进了整体结构,希望能帮助到每一位处于困惑中的同学。
Spring Microservice Demo built with Spring 5 newly introduced Reactive stack
powerful python crawler: proxy-ip,mutiprocessing+Queue+yaml configurable crawler, readability, bs4(beautiful soup), pybloom, PooledDB, MysqlDb, selenium-webdriver-phantomjs, reids,anti-geetest, yaml,...
a redisson starter bind redisTemplate and support single,cluster,sentinel and more.omit redisson.yaml
message queue on redis stream v5+. delay queue by double stream.
This is a demo project of GraphQL with Subscription implemented with redis and mysql
分模块开发 已完成管理后台的基本功能, 可在此基础上开始业务逻辑开发
A NodeJS development environment, Include nginx proxy, reids sentinel, mongodb
Springboot mybatisplus dubbo shiro reids ehcache 多数据源事务的整合 (正在完成中)
A Rusted and Ready to Go Stateful Backend Boilerplace Code with Super Clean Code, Actor based Components and Onion Design Pattern
A Rusted and Ready to Go Stateful Backend Boilerplace Code with Super Clean Code, Actor based Components and Onion Design Pattern