Solve Google reCAPTCHA in less than 5 seconds! 🚀
Bypassing reCaptcha V3 by sending HTTP requests & solving reCaptcha V2 using speech to text engine.
ReCAPTCHA solver for selenium (Using audio).
.NET universal interface for the Web APIs of all major captcha solving services
Django REST framework reCAPTCHA
Simple Rest-API With Login System, Built using MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js
noCaptcha Ai: CAPTCHA Solver Chrome Extension
VueCaptchaSwitcher is a Vue 3 component that allows seamless integration and dynamic switching between multiple CAPTCHA providers, including Google reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha, and Cloudflare Turnstile. Easil...
Recaptcha V2 Solver is a Google Recaptcha V2 automated solution service.
Python library for Capsolver
Google Recaptcha solver with selenium.'s API used for solving Google's Invisible Recaptcha and Recaptcha v2 with Java. Should click the right images to user verify and check I am not robot.
🦉Gracefully face reCAPTCHA challenge with ModelHub embedded solution.
noCaptchaAi: CAPTCHA Solver Chrome Extension || 6000 solves free 🔥
reCAPTCHA v2 for Vue3 : CompositionAPI, Types
Solve captcha beforehand and use them when needed.
noCaptchaAi: CAPTCHA Solver Firefox Addon
Multi captcha package for CodeIgniter 4.x. Support Arcaptcha(a free and professional Iranian product),Bibot(a free Iranian product),Recaptcha(an googel product) and hCaptcha.Comes with rate limiting s...
Provides a Google reCaptcha V2 field for the Filament Forms(V2-V3), works in Admin-Panel and Forntend-Forms.