⚡ Node.js library to run and orchestrate background jobs with Zenaton Workflow Engine
💎 Ruby gem to run and orchestrate background jobs with Zenaton Workflow Engine
翻译 - Zen Ruby gem可使用Zenaton Workflow Engine运行和编排后台作业
A Performance Analysis of the M/M/1/K Queue Model via Discrete Event Simulation with Varied Service Orders
Macroscopic simulation of trains in a railway system
The app aims to promote the uses of modern technology to facilitate and avoid queues in areas that still use old-fashioned methods.
This online tutoring center built in VueJs allows tutors and students to connect for Zoom sessions in real-time. Students can attach files and input formatted code on their request submissions, and ca...
Research Internship at Aalborg University
Web Api to simulate queueing system
JSim is a Java-based discrete event simulator of an M/M/s queue system.
Modeling and simulating various queuing models such as: M/M/1, M/M/k, G/G/1, G/M/1, and M/G/1 for Large Language Model (LLM) inference systems. These simlulations bridge the gap between theoretical fr...
Given real-world scenarios to build a queuing system, identifying which hardware types work best, and then test the application using the Intel® DevCloud in Intel Edge AI Nanodegree Udacity
Basic discrete event simulation of a queuing system. This simulation can be used as a basis for most other types of discrete-event simulations. This version is an example that simulates a G/G/c queuin...
IM61011 - Stochastic Modelling course offered by the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, IIT Kgp
Generate random numbers in simulation based on theoritical probability distributions and queuing calculator for compare anaytical solution with calculated ones.
Queue Management System using SFML for efficient customer flow.
alx-backend concepts caching, pagination, unit and integratinon testing, i18n...
A repository containing all projects used to develop my back-end skills
Web app for compiling and executing C++ files in a sandbox environment