#计算机科学#🪄 Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.
翻译 - with使用Web API,交互式GUI等将您的机器学习代码转换为微服务。
The function is a block of code defined with a name. We use functions whenever we need to perform the same task multiple times without writing the same code again. It can take arguments and returns th...
Persistent caching for python functions
Learn and master functional programing by doing auto-graded interactive exercises.
Collection of common Python utility functions and classes used in other Caltech Library programs.
Trying to implement python functions in C so it's easier to read.
The Repository contains the Answers of the "Introductory course on Python for Data Science" by "DataCamp".
Python Practice
Python functions to import and display the images and labels from the Kitty Object Detection Evaluation 2012 Dataset.
This a Capstone Project done by Team Pycaret in Hamoye Data Science Program Fall'22. ARIMA and Prophet model were used to forecast the closing price of currency exchange. An app was deployed with a fr...
A number_format function like PHP
This Python script is designed to interact with users, allowing them to find numbers within a specified range that are divisible by a list of user-provided divisors. It also calculates and displays th...
Some python functions to work with PostgreSQL Database
Automatic (de)serialization of arguments and return values for Python functions