#UI框架#GitHub 开源的 CSS 框架
An implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System using React
ViewComponents for the Primer Design System
Sharable stylelint config used by GitHub's CSS
Hugo theme based on GitHub's Primer CSS
A GitHubbified Resume using Primer CSS, a d3.js customised heatmap and illustrated with Figma
翻译 - 使用Primer CSS的GitHub简历,d3.js定制的热图并用Figma进行说明
MFEprimer-2.0: A fast thermodynamics-based program for checking PCR primer specificity
Efficiently keep track of changes to genomes
Design degenerated primers on highly variable alignments for full genome sequencing or qPCR. Specifically developed for viruses.
#前端开发#Team Up is a website that helps teams get together to work on projects.
GitHub's theme for iTerm2. https://github.com/primer/github-vscode-theme