#Awesome#A collection of awesome Polymer resources.
Angular 2 support for Polymer elements
翻译 - Angular 2对聚合物元素的支持
The Web Component providing a date selection field with scrollable month calendar. Part of the Vaadin components.
Handsontable - Best Data Grid Web Component with Spreadsheet Look and Feel.
The Web Component for uploading multiple files with progress indication. Part of the Vaadin components.
Web component element for the Geolocation API
Vaadin Icons is a collection of 600+ unique icons designed for web applications
Polymer element for displaying slides in a carousel
Vaadin Charts is a feature-rich interactive graph library that answers the data visualization needs of modern web applications
[Polymer 1.x] Element that enables switching between different pages by swiping gesture.
The Web Component which allows you to partition a layout into resizeable areas. Part of the Vaadin components.
PDF-viewer web-component, compatible with Polymer 1.0
lit-element components for fast and modular multivariate analysis
Polymer Apollo GraphQL Client web components
Polymer 2.0 custom element for mapbox-gl-js. Uses WebGL to render interactive maps from vector tiles and Mapbox styles - compatible with deck-gl.
The responsive Web Component for showing context dependent items for any element on the page. Part of the Vaadin components.
A Polymer element providing a simple slider functionality
<💜 /> A Polymer element for show your love!