Fully functional Pokerbot that works on PartyPoker, PokerStars and GGPoker, scraping tables with Open-CV (adaptable via gui) or neural network and making decisions based on a genetic algorithm and mon...
翻译 - 功能齐全的 Pokerbot,可在 PartyPoker、PokerStars 和 GGPoker 上工作,使用 Open-CV(可通过 gui 调整)或神经网络抓取表格,并基于遗传算法和蒙特卡罗模拟进行决策以进行扑克净值计算。可以通过此链接下载二进制文件:
Sports betting assistant (with interface) which optimizes earnings regarding odds and offers
Recognition of all entities on the poker table and added analytics on the basis of which you can make decisions about your moves
About Fully functional Pokerbot that works on PartyPoker, PokerStars and GGPoker, scraping tables with Open-CV (adaptable via gui) or neural network and making decisions based on a genetic algorithm a...
Poker Platform for help or newer platforms contact me on skype: gregory.krupa2015@gmail.com
Basic Head-up display to aid your poker play. Currently supports at least Ubuntu Linux and Poker Stars hand history files.
A poker bot that was meant to play on PokerStars (incomplete)
Estadísticas-Probabilidades de tu mano en "Poker Holdem Texas" en tiempo real
Script for tracking history on PokerStars
Card Club is the #1 online destination to play poker solo or online with friends! Designed using Node.js.