😸一个快速开发脚手架,快速搭建企业级后台管理系统,并提供多种便捷starter进行功能扩展。主要功能包括前后台用户分离,菜单权限,数据权限,定时任务,访问日志,操作日志,异常日志,统一异常处理,XSS过滤,SQL防注入,国际化 等多种功能
Integration of Ldap, Saml, Oauth2 and JaaS with Spring Security
Resource Server Implementation in Python
A set of production-ready asynchronous endpoints tested and built for blogs and portfolio websites.
An authentication server that implements OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 standards using OpenIddict. With user management implementation using ASP NET Core Identity
User and group manager for Containerum
A simple gmail client application to demonstrate oauth2 usage
calf-cloud是自己在工作中总结积累搭建的基于Spring Cloud微服务化开发平台的后端Java服务的开发脚手架.代码简洁,架构清晰,适合学习和直接项目中使用。 核心技术采用Spring Boot 2.4.6、Spring Cloud (2020.0.4)以及eureka 相关核心组件,目前在进一步完善中。 后续会推出SpringCloudAlibaba版本
Full stack forum made with Go and Vuejs, it allows to create accounts, posts and comments, rate them, communicate with other users and a whole lot more
A real-time chatting application where multiple users can communicate between them
Twitch Stream Stats is a web app that displays some stream stats extracted from the Twitch API
javascript programming e-learning platform
Authorize access to API Gateway APIs using custom scopes
Identity app with rewritten ASPNET security, react core, react router and redux libraries.