Financial Markets Data Visualization using Matplotlib
翻译 - 新的mplfinance软件包(到2020年中期取代mpl-finance)。
#区块链#Gekko Trading Bot dataset dumps. Ready to use and download history files in SQLite format.
#区块链#Apply popular TA tools and charts to candlestick data with NumPy.
Sample implementation of TradingView Charting Library UDF-compatible data source for Binance exchange
#数据仓库#Get meaningful OHLCV datasets
#区块链#[NPM] OHLCV Candlestick Batcher/Converter
#区块链#fetches historical OHLC values from most crypto exchanges using ccxt library. saves candles to a sqlite database per symbol.
🕯️ Resample (inter-convert) market trades, ticks or OHLCV data to different time frames.
TradingView Chart Launcher
🧹 Quantclean is a program that reformats financial dataset to US Equity TradeBar (Quantconnect format)
Download, convert and export Dukascopy tick data. Package converts tick data from proprietary Bi5 format to standard CSV file with raw tick data or OHLCV data resampled to custom time frame resolution...
#区块链#Charting tool for financial data
This is a sample project that is implemented to provide TradingView Charting Library UDF data from Binance exchange.
python wrapper: BitMEX OHLCV data & 150+ technical indicator values, BitMEX REST API
Create your own cryptocurreny ohlcv API in Python thank's to ccxt