Authentication for the Web.
翻译 - 轻松验证Next.js和无服务器
Add Authentication to Nuxt applications with secured & sealed cookies sessions.
🐬 Securely connect to any API with a server proxy and generated composables
Nuxt 3 + laravel sanctum authentication
A Nuxt application with SSR on the edge, authentication and a SQLite database.
Nuxt 3 module for seamless Laravel Sanctum authentication with SSR support.
Plug and play authentication module for Nuxt
Open-source SaaS Starter. Built using Nuxt 3, Prisma, Neon, Sidebase Nuxt Auth, Resend, Stripe, Nuxt UI, Nuxt Content
Tutorial to build a robust Full Stack authentication app using Nuxt, sidebase/nuxt-atuh MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS.
Use amazon-cognito-identity-js with the Nuxt.js Auth Module.
Showcase of an e-commerce website built with the JAMStack
VidFlow - An open source content sharing platform (similar to YouTube). This repository contains the client side code.
JWT(JSON Web Tokens) Certification Authorization Front
Nuxt 3 authentication with Auth0 provider using sidebase/nuxt-auth
Nuxt Auth Using Devise Token Auth